Pathlands: 21 Tranquil Walks Among the Villages of Britain by Peter Owen Jones
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
We are so fortunate in this country to have an intricate lattice of paths and bridleways that criss-cross our land, and Jones has collected together here 21 walks from the Scottish borders to deep in the West Country that make the most of these. They are all off the regular walking routes and he has chosen them specially to highlight the varied land and seascapes that we have in our country. As he walks, he talks to us about the things that he sees, when he gets lost and about the people he meets.
This is a books of walks, as much as it is a book on walking in the countryside, moving at the pace where you actually interact with nature rather than zoom past in a metal and glass cocoon. There is nothing revelatory in this book, rather Jones writes in a contemplative way, one man with a profound love for all aspects of the countryside. Good stuff.
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